Wine Marketing Monday: A Q&A Session

At Avina we not only care a great deal about wine accessories and building our company, but as one might expect we are also big wine enthusiasts.

So when all of those things come together and we get to talk about marketing in the wine industry, we don’t have to think twice before we jump in.

And that is exactly what we were invited to do at Jessyca Lewis her #winemarketingmonday – one of the most popular Twitter chats in the wine industry.

Jessyca has been invited by universities and businesses around the world to speak about marketing in the wine industry which made this even more exciting. We did not want to keep this from those who had missed out on the live Q&A in April, which is why we decided to put everything into a presentation.

So if you’re interested in learning more about growing revenue as a wine retailer and marketing your business, the presentation below is definitely for you.

Hans Dekker