27 Sep Weekly Wine News Round-up #5
Hello and welcome to the 5th Avina Weekly News Round-up.
It’s Friday! So pour yourself a glass of your favourite wine and get ready for what we think was some of the best and most controversial news of the week…
Always looking at new societal trends to see where the industry is going next, alcohol-free wine seems to be the next big topic. After many years of being disparaged by people saying, “What’s the point?”, social permission to request and desire great wine without the added high is finally being recognised and more importantly, understood.
‘The Rise of Alcohol-Free Booze’
Counterfeit Wines? This is a growing problem with very little consequences. Find out how to know whether you are purchasing the real deal. Listen to this wine talk podcast with Maureen Downey aka The Wine Detective, hosted by Natalie Maclean.
‘Wine Scandals, Fakes and Forgery with Maureen Downey’
Here’s an interesting blog about the use of hemp in the food and beverage industry. We’ve posted about the use of cannabinoids in wine before but this article describes definite benefits to the addition of hemp in our diets. Curious?
‘Hemp in the Food Industry: A New Future?
Further reading:
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